1. Learning Comics

    See What I Mean: how to use comics to communicate ideas
    By Kevin Cheng
    Rosenfeld Media, 2012
    ISBN: 978-1933820279

    This is a small book that ultimately got me to dabble with comics professionally, as a means to convey technical information. The book is small enough and practical enough to ever …

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  2. Working in a Storage Room

    The Pentium Chronicles: the people, passion, and politics behind Intel's Landmark Chips
    By Robert P. Colwell
    Wiley-IEEE Press, 2006
    ISBN 978-0-471-73617-2

    You would imagine that a large company such as Intel would be extremely well organized... yet Bob recalls how the Pentium chip started to be designed in a storage …

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  3. The Social Life of Information

    The Social Life of Information
    By John Seely Brown, Paul Duguid
    Harvard Business School Press, 2000
    ISBN 0-87584-762-5

    Fascinating stories of people using newly invented technology at Xeroc PARC, such as the notebook, the local ethernet network, the word processor, and even the humble photocopiers. Because "The logic of information …

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  4. Good Ideas Can Still Become Sins

    The Seven Deadly Sins of Management
    by Jonathan Ellis and René Tissen
    Profile Books, 2003
    ISBN 1-86197-526-0

    I read this book in the Summer of 2003, after the NASDAQ bubble burst that took part of Altitude Software with it. The book explains how good ideas can go bad and, in …

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  5. Excellence Can Be Everywhere

    The Tom Peters Seminar: Crazy times call for crazy organizations
    By Tom Peters
    Vintage, 1994
    ISBN 978-0679754930

    The book features many examples of unexpected ways to organize work towards satisfying customers. The examples are delightful. I started to see excellence in the small things, and learned to seek excellence in …

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  6. Fables Against Bureaucracy

    Ackoff's Fables: irreverent reflections on business and bureaucracy
    Russell L. Ackoff
    John Willey & Sons, 1991
    ISBN 0-471-53194-4

    Russel Ackoff was an American that also worked in India and taught in Mexico. He retells stories from those three cultures, including the US Navy, and then reflects on them.

    This was another …

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  7. Seeing our World for the First Time

    The Third Wave
    By Alvin and Heidi Toffler
    Random House Publishing Group, 1980
    ISBN 9780688035976

    I read the Portuguese edition of this book together with my wife during our 1999 Summer vacations in Nazaré. We both found the book delightful. The Tofflers explain history as a sequence of technological waves …

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  8. My First Management Book

    The Leader-Manager: Guidelines for Action
    by William D. Hitt
    IEEE Press, 1988
    ISBN 935470409

    This was my first book about management. I bought it as soon as it became apparent that I might became a manager later on, which means that I bought it in 1997 and probably read it …

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  9. Where Did the Time Go?

    Smalltalk-80: Bits of History, Words of Advice
    By Glenn Krasner (editor)
    Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1983
    ISBN 0-201-11669-3

    This collection of papers reports how different teams tried to implement Smalltalk-80 in different environments. Some chapters read like novels, and at the time I was astonished at the variety of approaches and …

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