Greetings to all technical writers, and to everyone interested in technical communication!
You will complain that this email is quite late. And you will be right. That is not to say that this email could have be sent much sooner. In an alternate reality, sure. In APCOMTEC's reality, each event is nothing short of a small miracle that somehow persists exist against all odds.
And so, we will have another Summer School, the fourth one if you count those organized together with the now extinct TCeurope. You will have:
- Four half-day workshops from three teachers.
- Four half-days of practical project, done in small groups with guidance available from teachers.
- One social afternoon.
- One networking dinner.
The Summer School remains a good way to learn and exercise a bit of Technical Communication, as you wonder whether it might make a good career or whether it might complement your existing career.
Please share this email with those who might be interested.
— Joaquim Baptista
PS: I hope you will find that the price is still a bargain.
PPS: The Post-Graduation course is getting much better. Details soon.